44th Glasgow Company
Welcome to
The 44th Glasgow

What the Company Section do.....
The Company is open to boys from Primary 7, S1 and S2, of any school, from all faiths and no faiths.
Where & When??
The Company Section meets from 7.45pm-9.30pm on Friday nights in Cardonald Parish Church Hall.
What do we do??
On a Friday Night, all Boys engages in a fun, balanced challenging programme under the 3 programme zones;
Recreation | Community | Skills
There are also various trips and nights out for the boys throughout the year and we run various activities throughout the week.
Every Summer, we have our annual Camp to Seahouses, Northumberland (Covid permitting!)
Have a look at our Activity Page to see what we get up to throughout the week and at Camp!
1 September 2021
New Session 2021-22
The 2021 - 2022 Session of the Company Section starts back on Friday 3rd September and meets every Friday at 7.45pm - 9.30pm in Cardonald Parish Church Halls.
New Members
New Members are always welcome to come along and see what we get up to!
If you are interested in your son joining the 44th Glasgow Company Section and would like any more information, please contact Captain Stuart MacOnie via e-mail or send us a message through the contact us form.
20 August 2021
The 44 is starting back!
After the enforced COVID-19 shutdown, we are delighted to announce that all sections of the 44 are starting back:
Company Section (P7-S2)
Friday 3rd September 2021
Cardonald Parish Church Hall
7.45pm - 9.30pm
New Members are always welcome!
If you have any questions send the page a message and we will get back to you.
Contact Us
You can contact us by completing the form and clicking 'send'.
If you are trying to get in touch with a particular person within the Company, mark it for that person's attention in the subject box and we will do our best to pass it on!!
Alternatively, you can visit us at Cardonald Parish Church any Friday evening!